Michael J Grady
Hatchet Man | Satirist | Original Gagster
( ** Comic Sketches Below! ** )
Thank you for coming!
I fell in love with jokes at my fifth-grade lunch table, where I sat with giddy little vulgarians, exchanging dirty limericks, bad puns and yo mamma jokes. They’ve all matured into responsible adults, and I’ve grown a little bit, too, but whenever I walk into a bar I still hope something funny will happen.
Comic Sketches!
Here is a curated sample of some of my comic sketches. Several of these audio files are right under 2 minutes. If you want to quickly get a sense of my work, this is a great place to start!
(Special thanks to Nat Jacob [DJ BAO ZE], Maggie Jo Bulkley, Mary-Ashley Medeiros, David Faber, Sarah Chapman, Daniel Frederickson for contributing their vocal talents to the sketches above!)
There’s more where that came from! Push the FUNKY RED BUTTON below to go to THE DEATH OF COMEDY Podcast Site for more sketches and full episodes!
Current Projects!
A burlesque radio sitcom and sketch show, mixing the Vaudevillian with the absurd, surreal and transgressive. The spectacle centers around a duo of ignorant, amoral, and anarchist DJs (DJ Bao Ze and MC Nuggets), their tendency to discover bad ideas, and their determination to see them through to their disastrous ends.
In reckless pursuit of impropriety, new satire,, and old schtick, the Death of Comedy crosses the line, jumps the shark, tips the sacred cow, and smashes the Overton Window.
“This is the Death of Comedy. We’re killing it!”
After hearing a lecture on quantum mechanics, Matt Gillings misinterprets an equation and falls into another universe. This is a satirical sci-fi novel, a through-the-looking-glass adventure-serial through multiple worlds.